Originál: In The Woods
Vydáno: 2010 (2007)
Policejní vyšetřovatel v Dublinu Rob Ryan se svou kolegyní Cassií Maddoxovou dostanou na starost případ dvanáctileté holčičky brutálně zavražděné v lese blízko místa, kde si před dvaceti lety hrály o prázdninách tři děti a dvě z nich se už nikdy nevrátily. To třetí, které se vrátilo a které si ale vůbec nic nepamatovalo, je Rob Ryan, jenž si kvůli svému traumatickému zážitku dokonce i změnil jméno. Nový případ, který je čím dál jasněji provázaný s onou starou tragédií, otvírá Robovu hluboce skrytou minulost a každá stopa pátrání vede vždycky do lesa. Tana Frenchová je mladá irská autorka, vystudovala herectví a v současné době žije v Dublinu. Její debut z r. 2007 se stal v žánru kriminálních thrillerů senzací roku a získal cenu E. A. Poea.
Skóre: 9/10
sobota 12. února 2011
středa 2. února 2011
Robert Ludlum - The Gemini Contenders
Vydáno: 1987 (1976)
Vittorio Fontini-Cristi is the eldest son of a wealthy Italian industrialist. His father's involvement in the hiding of a vault containing powerful religious documents leads to Vittorio's becoming enmeshed in events he doesn't fully understand. With World War II as a backdrop, he is hunted by many who want the vault's contents and protected by some who believe he will lead them to the vault as his life is transformed. He is never to escape this legacy, and before he dies, must pass it on to his twin sons--the Geminis who have both become involved in wars of their own. One son is career army with a Vietnam background, the other a peace loving war protester. They must cast aside their mutual dislike to once and for all solve the mystery that has always been part of their heritage.
Skóre: 6/10
Vydáno: 1987 (1976)
Vittorio Fontini-Cristi is the eldest son of a wealthy Italian industrialist. His father's involvement in the hiding of a vault containing powerful religious documents leads to Vittorio's becoming enmeshed in events he doesn't fully understand. With World War II as a backdrop, he is hunted by many who want the vault's contents and protected by some who believe he will lead them to the vault as his life is transformed. He is never to escape this legacy, and before he dies, must pass it on to his twin sons--the Geminis who have both become involved in wars of their own. One son is career army with a Vietnam background, the other a peace loving war protester. They must cast aside their mutual dislike to once and for all solve the mystery that has always been part of their heritage.
Skóre: 6/10
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