čtvrtek 19. prosince 2019

Deborah Levy - Things I Don't Want to Know

Vydáno: 2013
Marketed as a feminist response to Orwell’s “Why I Write,” Things I Don’t Want to Know tracks how a soft-spoken girl became a prolific writer. Across four fast-moving sections, novelist Deborah Levy recounts her childhood spent in South Africa at the height of apartheid, with her father incarcerated as a political prisoner, as well as her tumultuous adolescence in England, with few friends to rely on. In understated prose, Levy considers the many challenges she faced in finding her voice as a woman writer, while also grappling with a wide array of other themes, from modern motherhood and national identity to the impact of turbulent politics on everyday life. As an impressionistic long essay on oppression, parenthood, and writing, the work’s highly affecting, if a bit aimless.

Skóre: 7/10

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